Alabama Family Law Blog

Has your spouse moved out of your marital home? If so, it can be scary and difficult to know how to navigate your future. At Vella & King, we can help you decide if this departure qualifies as abandonment under Alabama law. Abandoned Spouse Rights in...

Questions to Ask Before Divorce I always tell clients that the hardest question to answer in the divorce process is: “Should I get divorced?” For many couples and spouses, they are unsure if divorce is the right answer. It is our job as attorneys to help...

One of the most repetitive calls a divorce lawyer receives is the call about summer visitation. In most cases, non-custodial parents have expanded time with their children in the summer, usually four weeks taken in two separate two week intervals. However, rarely does a non-custodial parent...

As the illegal drug epidemic becomes worse and worse in our country, there is no shortage of family law cases involving at least one parent who struggles with addiction. Across the Board Representation Having the unique position of representing both addicts and the former (or soon...

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